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Resilient Ukraine safeguards Ukraine's resilience and elevates Ukraine's voice in how people around the world make better informed decisions about the future of freedom, dignity, justice, and peace.

We are Resilient Ukraine, a Civil Society Organization founded in 2022 by strategic communications professionals under the auspices of the One Philosophy Group of Companies with a mission to strengthen Ukraine’s impact on global peace and democracy. The organisation’s team of founders has extensive experience in countering disinformation, crisis management, public education, and building resilience of brands, teams and organizations in both private and public sectors. Through strategic communications, cultural diplomacy and policy shaping, Resilient Ukraine helps people in Ukraine and around the world make better informed decisions about their future for the benefit of freedom, justice, democracy and lasting peace.


Strategic communications

Analytics & policy shaping

Cultural diplomacy



Respect for human dignity above all


Treating other like-minded nations as partners, caring for the vulnerable


Believing in victory and never giving up in making the best of all opportunities to influence the future


Respecting each other and solidarity are appreciated, “we” is more important than “I”


It is important for us that communities are based on decisions where truth is victorious, and justice prevails. We believe that justice safeguards not only memory but future generations, too

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