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Since the illegal annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine in 2014, there has been an increase in the output of high-quality English-language content produced and disseminated by Ukrainian content creators and crisis managers. While Ukraine suffered but began to grow its resilience towards russia, the world continued on the course of appeasement, increasing its dependency on russia's raw materials, allowing it to influence the electoral processes in multiple democracies and escalating the risks of continued business presence in the unpredictable and complicit russian market. As such, Ukraine awoke to Russian bombardment on Feb. 24, 2022, with an insufficient amount of global support to proactively defend Ukraine and not enough understanding of the threat Russia represents in the 21st century.

At the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion, our team, with the help of partners and volunteers, has created the digital engagement platform, and has fostered multiple international projects building solidarity around Ukraine's victory in Europe, Africa, North and Latin America.

The pretext for Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was built on a foundation of pseudo-historic narratives and colonial nostalgia, culminating in the nourishment of a resolve to exterminate the Ukrainian nation and undermine the world's democracies and the rule of law. As a response, (WAU) was established to serve as a repository of truth about Ukraine and the Russian invasion of Ukraine to ensure that all people around the globe understand: today, the future of humankind and of democracy and freedom in the world is being decided in Ukraine.

Russia's aggression against Ukraine became possible due to the lack of unity and decisive actions among the democratic actors in the world in the last decade that would ensure the effective protection of market economies, the rule of law, and academic and digital spaces from the malign actors like russia. As a result, several of Resilient Ukraine’s projects have sought to elevate Ukraine's voice in fostering global solidarity for the defense of freedom and democracy, particularly through collaborations with partners in the regions of Africa and Latin America, where Ukraine has been historically underrepresented. It is important that democratic actors around the world consolidate the kind of environment in which the appearance of new “Putins” will be rendered impossible.

A Resilient Ukraine is Ukraine that is making its choices based on a profound understanding of its history and culture with a detailed awareness of its values.

In 2023, we continued to improve and diversify the breadth of We are Ukraine’s content and launched OPIR, an English-language special historical project dedicated to illustrating the history of the resistance movement in Ukraine over the past century, from 1917 to the present day. OPIR helps Ukrainians and international audiences worldwide build an understanding of the background for Ukraine’s contemporary spirit of resilience, grounded in a long-standing tradition of resistance.

A Resilient Ukraine is Ukraine that is not only aware of its values, it is also a nation that can mobilize others and build cooperation around those values.

In 2022, our team members garnered support for Ukraine’s fight for freedom in collaboration with partners in South Africa, while in 2023, we launched communication and advocacy campaigns of support for Ukraine in Latin America, namely Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Argentina.

We consider it our strength to forge fruitful collaboration with like-minded initiatives which pursue the same goals as Resilient Ukraine CSO. Thus, by utilizing the social media reach of WeAreUkraine, we have succeeded in growing the impact of the B4Ukraine coalition of over 80 organizations worldwide working to block russia's access to funds for waging the war against Ukraine. Through social media campaigns, we continue to convince multinational businesses to exit russia and stay out until Ukraine's full sovereignty is restored and justice is served to the perpetrators.

We have also supported the first steps of Ukraine House in Denmark, a civil society initiative serving as a new cultural diplomacy platform with a mission to forge cross-cultural cooperation between Ukraine and Denmark.

A Resilient Ukraine is Ukraine victorious. It is Ukraine that together with its partners brings about russia's defeat and disables it from the possibility to threaten and attack sovereign nations.

A Resilient Ukraine is Ukraine that ensures that justice is served to the state perpetrators of over 100,000 war crimes against Ukraine and against humanity. We seek to continue to grow and develop projects that align our vision of the need for lasting peace, justice, freedom and democracy with our partners.

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